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MOBNCAEQB8Server - Directory - Fixed an issue where Dirsync with multiple Active Directory host domain names would sometimes not find entries for...
SJOIC4UHTJClient - Directory - Fixed an issue where if AllowWildcardLookup=1 is set in notes.ini on the clien, some groups might not be found.
MOBNCAZPU6Server - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed a crash that could occur with update task while doing entitlement tracking updates for customers with more than...
MOBNC9QM2NServer - DirSync - Fixed an issue where the dirsync task would disappear due to the LDAP_BPOOL filling up.
MDLSCBGQQ8Server - Active Directory Sync - Fixed an issue with AD Password Sync where AD Domain controller could hang on boot when AD password sync is...
SVEAC8PCFCServer - Directory Services - Fixed an issue where Auto-Populated Groups did not work if search contains a forward slash character and the database...
XYGUC9VHGZServer - Directory - Fixed an issue where Dirsync was not looking in the primary address for users in secondary nabs as targets for...
MOBNCAJRC9Server - Directory - Fixed an issue where DirSync was not working correctly when Directory Assistance was configured using a sprayer to multiple...
SPPPCBWBZVServer - Directory Services - Fixed an issue where names with accented characters like O umauts were being duplicated in Extended Directory...
MOBNCC4P89Server - Directory Assistance - Fixed an issue which resulted in frequent directory assistance reloading on error path.
MOBNCC6HSYServer - Directory - Fixed an issue where LDAP queries against the Domino LDAP server with a base of an organization and a scope of subtree could...
MOBNCCUKZ9Server - Directory - Fixed an issue where dirsync was incorrectly mapping the AD attributes of manager and assistant to their registered notes...
SVEACCYKMWServer - Directory Services - Fixed an issue where authentication using LDAP protocol was not working with secondary address book users who had no...
MOBNCDFJF8Server - Dirsync - Dirsync now fully supports multiple DA sync docs using the same host address but with different bases
SMOYCE4J47Server - Directory Services - Fixed an issue with web/LDAP authentication using Directory Assistance LDAP gateway and mapped NotesDN where it would...
MOBNCECJRCServer - Directory Services - The userreport tool now reports/counts web users with flat names and an HTTPPassword in the Domino Address...
NNAICEWCP5Server - Directory - Fixed an issue where dircat was overwriting the group "LocalDomainAdmins" when integrating an extended directory catalog into...
MOBNCF8VWKServer - Entitlement Tracking - Fixed an issue where Entitlement tracking on new LDAP config docs was not processing any new documents. This...


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